Seeking the perfect spotlight for your game? You’ve hit the jackpot with We’ve been your trusted game review source since 2017, sharing our passion and insights with an engaged daily readership. Here’s how we can collaborate to put your game on the map.

Advertise with Us

Looking to gain some additional traction for your game? We’ve got your back. With ad solutions that kick off at just $20 for a month-long campaign, we make game promotion accessible and impactful. Reach out to us for more specifics about our pricing structure.

Get Your Game Reviewed: Two Paths, One Goal

  1. Retail Game Review: Absolutely Free! Have a game that’s freshly launched and up for retail purchase? We can’t wait to explore it. Just fill us in about your game via our contact form. If it’s up our alley, we’ll get back to you with the next steps, which typically include you sending us the game and us diving in for a thorough review. From independent creators to small businesses, and larger gaming corporations, we value all game makers. We’re all in this for the love of games, and that’s why we never charge a penny for reviews of published games.
  2. Crowdfunding Prototype Preview: For Just $100For games that aren’t yet available for retail purchase, we offer our preview service at a nominal charge of $100. With an avalanche of requests for crowdfunding campaign previews, we’ve introduced this fee to support our reviewers’ efforts and ensure the quality of our service. We understand that prototypes are often a work-in-progress, and we are more than willing to accommodate. We aim to review the game from multiple perspectives, with different groups of players. Please note, the fee covers the reviewers’ time and associated costs. The content of the review itself remains strictly objective and unbiased. If we spot any serious issues or flaws, we’ll give you a heads up before we go live. With previews, we’ll focus on explaining the game mechanics and sharing initial thoughts, making a note that rules and components might still be in the development phase.

What’s in it for you?

  • A comprehensive preview of your prototype game, featuring photos, detailed gameplay instructions, and our preliminary impressions.
  • Social media shout-outs to our followers on Twitter and Facebook, and inclusion in our newsletter.
  • A complimentary standard banner ad (provided by you) for the duration of your campaign, plus a discount on more premium options.

Planning a Kickstarter Campaign?

We strongly encourage reaching out to us at least a month before your campaign’s launch. This allows us adequate time for shipping, testing, writing, and publishing a meaningful preview. Remember, a rushed game preview serves no one.

Contact us here for any queries about Kickstarter/Indiegogo previews or to kickstart the preview process for your game. And keep in mind, we might offer a free review even for Kickstarter games if it’s the right fit. We welcome your emails!