Comments on: Why Are Eurogames Dominating The Board Game industry Where Meeples Meet the Best Board Game Reviews Tue, 22 Oct 2024 12:16:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jamey stegmaier Sun, 07 May 2023 14:56:05 +0000 Thanks for posting this! Medium-weight Euro games are my sweet spot as a gamer, designer, and publisher, and I like how you updated the older wiki definition. I particularly like the level of agency I have in Euro-style games–I’m presented with interesting, compelling decisions for which I know all or most of the outcomes.

By: Drew Thu, 04 May 2023 00:48:29 +0000 The “designer’s name on the box” comes from early Euro marketing.

Gamers were encouraged to purchase and play new games fairly often.

This was a major contrast to the hobby market where a single game is meant to be played a lot.

So Euro designers would create a series of games that act as variations on a theme rather than making many expansions for a single game.

Today, we generally see designers named on all games, but that is really because there is a lot less distinction between the gaming markets now.
